Saturday, August 7, 2010

Le Cellier dinner soon to require 2 DDP credits

The Disney Food Blog has confirmed that Le Cellier, the uber-popular-nearly-impossible-to-get-an-ADR restaurant in the Canada pavilion in Epcot's World Showcase will soon be a little more "expensive" for Disney Dining Plan members.

According to the folks at the Disney Food Blog, starting next March, dinners at Le Cellier will require two table service credits. Currently both lunch and dinner seatings at Le Cellier only require one table service credit. Under the new plan next March, lunch seatings still will require only one tabe service credit.

While there is no explanation given for this change, it seems pretty obvious. Le Cellier is one of the hardest ADR's to get in all of Walt Disney World -- even harder than Cinderella's Royal Table. It seems natural that in order to lighten the pressure on the ADR, the cost for dinner will go up substantially -- enough so that the folks at the Disney Dining Plan felt it should require two credits instead of one.

So here's the real question -- will the increase in price have an impact on reservations? Will Le Cellier ADR's start becoming easier to get because of the higher DDP cost? What do you think? Will or would you change your ADR booking habits because of this new price? Post a comment.


  1. I would pay three table service credits to eat here. The food is without question amazing and the ambience and atmosphere make this establishment one of if not the best places to eat..

  2. They will have to do a major revamp of the menu and take out some of the tables to make it less crowded. Plus, the service will have to improve 150% before I would even consider using 2TS credits. We have enjoyed Le Cellier in the past, but it by no means on the same level as other 2 TS locations such CRT and CG in food or ambiance! I would say it will be VERY easy to get an ADR there after March next year.
