Friday, July 1, 2011

Photo Friday: Cinderella Castle in the "fog"

Photo details: F/32, 1/80th, ISO 100

Welcome to a new series here on DisneyDaddy. I'm calling it Photo Friday and the purpose is pretty basic. I take a LOT of photos at Walt Disney World (at least 1200 on each trip) and up until now, they've just been sitting in a folder on one of my hard drives. Well it's time I started sharing some of the unique images I've managed to capture over the years and a bit of the story behind the image.

So for the inaugural image, I decided to post the shot that gave me the idea for Photo Friday.

This is a picture of Cinderella Castle I took during a trip in June 2011. While it looks like it was a foggy morning, actually the skies were clear, but it was very muggy. My camera had been in my backpack in the resort room overnight (a well air-conditioned resort room), and when I finally pulled it out intending to take a shot of the sun behind the castle, my lens fogged up. I thought about just putting the camera away and forgetting the shot, but changed my mind and decided to just see what happened.

You can see the result.

I hope you'll enjoy this new series and I enjoy sharing some of the fun photos I've taken.


  1. wow, this is such a cool photo

  2. Spooky! Great shot to use at halloween, I reckon!!

  3. That is awesome! It looks haunted.

  4. I am planning my first Disney World trip. I am really excited to be able to take my six year old son. I have created a survey of some questions I have. Would you be willing to complete it for me?
