Friday, December 2, 2011

Photo Friday: Standing guard at the Osborne Lights

Osborne Lights
Welcome to another Photo Friday!

As we continue our holiday-themed photos, I wanted to share a picture from my favorite holiday event at Walt Disney World - the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights.  This (and pretty much any other photo you see) really don't do the Osborne Lights justice -- they truly are that spectacular.

I took this photo while waiting in line to take a PhotoPass picture with the light switch and the trees/soldiers seen here.  You can see that photo in this week's Tip Tuesday post. Like most night photography, you really need to find a way to hold your camera very still and allow the shutter to be open for a longer time (this shot had a shutter speed of 1/30th of a second).  I also like the slightly odd angle to the image - it just looks different.

I hope you enjoy this and more holiday photos from Walt Disney World!

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