Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tip Tuesday: The Great Piggy Bank Adventure

Great Piggy Bank Adventure
Welcome to another Tip Tuesday!

This week I wanted to highlight another great interactive activity for kids -- the Great Piggy Bank Adventure.

Located in Innoventions in Epcot, the Great Piggy Bank Adventure sponsored by T. Rowe Price, helps kids understand the importance of setting savings goals, the importance of saving versus spending, inflation and how (and why) to diversify investments.  While these financial lessons are fairly simplistic, they're important lessons for kids to learn.

The Great Piggy Bank Adventure consists of three stages.  Each stage includes an interactive game for up to four players.  Each game requires players to work in teams to save as much money as possible towards their overall savings goal. 

All the while, your "savings" are stored in a piggy bank that players carry from station to station.

What I like about the Great Piggy Bank Adventure is the way Disney has combined a financial lesson with interactive fun.  Best of all, the adventure doesn't stop at Innoventions.  You can play at home here:

There are several new exhibits coming soon to Innoventions.  As more information is announced, I'll have updates here on DisneyDaddy.

Until next time!

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