Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Tracking runners and how you can be part of the team

Welcome to another Tip Tuesday!

Well I'm in the final days before the Walt Disney World Marathon.  The bags are nearly packed and I've got all my running gear ready to go.

There are a few last-minute things to take care of.  One of those is to setup runner tracking - and this is something you can do.  If you'd like to get updates on your runner(s) in either the half or full marathon, go to this link (http://www.xacte.com/templates/disney/marathon/) and create an account (or sign in if you already have an account).  Once your account is created, enter some search information for your runner and then select which method(s) you would like to receive updates.  You can get information by text, email, Twitter or Facebook.  I've signed up for email, text and Twitter (which then automatically rolls to my Facebook page).

Runner tracking is a great way to keep up with where your runner(s) will be on the course and when you might expect to see your runner, if you're cheering from the side of the road.

Also, if you want to get more information about the marathon, including general course information, and details on where and when to arrive on race morning, be sure to download the official race program.

As you probably know, I'm part of the WDW Running Team and we're running to raise money for the Dream Team to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  If you want to support the team, even if you can't be at Walt Disney World, you can always make an online donation.  I have a personal goal to raise $250 $500, so I hope you'll make a donation to help me bring some magic to some kids facing life-threatening illnesses.  If you do make a donation, please be sure to include my name in the notes section.

Finally, I will be attempting to do some live streaming during the full marathon on Sunday morning starting sometime around 4:30 a.m. and periodically throughout the race.  Look for a special post here on the DisneyDaddy blog this weekend!

Well, that's all for this week folks.  Depending on if I survive the marathon on Sunday, I may or may not have a post for you next Tuesday.  Until then (to quote Walt Disney), keep moving forward - something I will be saying to myself a lot on Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Chuck... Jeff From WV here...just wanted to say good luck with the marathon! I have decided to make this the year that I will get myself into shape, and one of the rewards I am offering myself will be taking part in one of the Disney Runs! It's going to be a long road for a 35 year old out of shape Disney nerd...but I'm going to get there! Very awesome to see that you're doing it this weekend...I look forward to reading all about it!

    Jeff from WV.
