Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Dealing with the rain (part 2)

Welcome to another Tip Tuesday!

This week, I wanted to continue the discussion about dealing with rain at the parks.  Up next:  Epcot.

Much like the Magic Kingdom, Epcot has several ways to stay out of the rain, especially in Future World.  However, unlike the Magic Kingdom, these areas of shelter are not well connected, which means you might be making some mad dashes from cover to cover. 

So here are a few good places to help avoid getting totally soaked while you make your way through Epcot:

Future WorldIn Future World, you can use Innoventions West and East to travel from near Spaceship Earth to the covered passages between the Fountain of Nations and the East and West pavilions.  The bad news is there's little cover from here to the East and West pavilions.  Also keep in mind that you can use the Project Tomorrow post show area (at the end of Spaceship Earth) to get to both walkways beside Spaceship Earth without having to travel around either end.

MouseGear also offers allows you to get from the Fountain of Nations to somewhat near the entrance to Test Track, also don't forget about the wide hallway along the backside of the Epcot Character Spot.  Most guests don't use this hallway, so it's a good place to sit (on the floor unfortunately) and wait out the rain.

Keep in mind that many of the pavilions in Future World are pretty large and have a lot to do, so you can easily wait out a shower at any one of the pavilions.  Some have long-running attractions like Ellen's Universe of Energy (45 minutes!!), others have great exhibits, like the Seas pavilion, that will keep kids and adults engaged.

World ShowcaseWhen it comes to World Showcase, the only real rain strategy is to dash and cover from pavilion to pavilion.  Even then, most pavilions only have small shops and/or attractions that offer cover.  Because of this limitation, many guests often avoid World Showcase during rainy periods.  If you've got good rain gear (or don't mind getting pretty wet), a rainy day might be a good time to visit World Showcase during the lesser crowds.

Keep in mind that many of the pavilions have some sort of attraction.  Most, with the exceptions of Mexico and Norway, are films that run around 10-15 minutes, so these can be good options to wait out a brief shower.  Also don't forget about the Outpost between China and Germany.  There are a few covered tents that many guests walk right past.

Hopefully your next visit to Epcot will be sunny and dry, but should you run into rain, you'll have a plan.

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