Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Get there early... not just for lines

Stormtroopers at DHS

Welcome to another Tip Tuesday!

With Star Wars Weekends starting up soon, I wanted to share a quick tip about a often-missed part of the entire event -- the pre-park opening spiel between a pair of stormtroopers. 

Here's the scene -- it's about an hour or so before park opening.  Two stormtroopers are patrolling the roof of the entrance turnstiles at Disney Hollywood Studios.  As they patrol, they strike up a conversation about all the different lifeforms gathering below them. 

I don't want to do into too many details so as to spoil it.  This is, however, a great opportunity to have a little fun with the stormtroopers.  They will watch the crowd and will react to different things happening.  In this shot above, the trooper on the left is referring to some troublemakers and is pointing a me and my son who was holding up a lightsaber. 

It's a pretty funny little skit and it's something you'll only see before park opening - so get there early!


  1. Hi! Can you convince dad to let me go to Disney again? Then I might actually be able to see this. I was being kinda sulky the last time. XD - Jackie (Jim's daughter)

  2. Jackie -- next time I see him, I'll mention it. ;)
