Saturday, January 26, 2013

Photo Friday: "Retro" Epcot

Epcot in 2007 

Time again for another Photo Friday!

This week, let's again borrow Mongello's Wayback Machine and travel to the summer of 2007 and this photo from Epcot.  It may seem like a long time ago, but it's only been about five years since the often maligned hand and wand came down from Spaceship Earth in 2008.

So enjoy this look back at the Spaceship Earth of (the not-so-long-ago) yesteryear!

1 comment:

  1. I was looking through some old photos yesterday and remember the notorious Epcot wand! It was a great day when they took that down. It just never looked right and it was surprising that it remained there for so very long.
